The Journey to Financial Independence (FI) and Possible Retirement by age 59 and a half

100 Months to Financial Independence (FI) – Countdown Status

100 Months – April 2024- The Countdown Journey Begins

We are holding ourselves accountable as we embark on 100 Months to Financial Independence (FI). Admittedly, we believe in the Magic of Fearless Financial Independence by age 59 and a half. Accordingly, we will reach Financial Independence (FI) by August 2032.

Will we officially “retire” in August 2032? Explicitly, we want the freedom to make “paid work optional” by August 2032, if not sooner.

Will the Retirement Police be on a manhunt for us in August 2032 and beyond? Come with us on this journey to find out.

99 Months – May 2024- Picking Up Momentum On Our Journey to Financial Independence (FI)

One month done already and 99 months to go as we move towards FI by age 59 and a half. We are on the pathway to our FI Number and saving 25 times the amount of income we believe we will need when we make “paid work optional” in the future.

98 Months to FI – Time flies when you travel

Summer months provide a perfect time for family travel. Over the years on our journey to FI, like many in the FIRE Movement, travel is a high priority. We have changed our mindset and the benefits of certain spending as we age and get closer to FI.

97 Months – July 2024

We are not going to lie, July was a busy month with travel, summer activities, and work. It’s amazing how quickly a month with 31 days can go when you have so much going on. Luckily for us, we were able to flip the page on FI that month rather quickly.

96 Months – August 2024 – FI Psychology of Money

My father was a highly educated man, and while he was clueless about finances he taught me some of my most important financial lessons. Turns out this attitude was an amazing gift in terms of my father’s Psychology of Money.

This month we came clean by revealing our thrilling plot to energize the Retirement Police. The Retirement Police is a shortened version of the “Internet Retirement Police” as noted in the Financial Independence (FI) community. Specifically, Mr. Money Mustache has lead in taking on the “Internet Retirement Police” who believe you are not really retired if you make “paid work optional”. Additionally, if you “work for fun” as noted by Jacob Lund Fisker of Early Retirement Extreme.

95 Months – September 2024

Undoubtedly, Financial Independence (FI) has been mischaracterized as “only for the tech bros.” However, we are proof that Family FI is real. We are celebrating luxurious Family FI.

Moreover, with a full disclaimer, we take the personal in personal finance to a new level. As part of our FI journey, we are excited to secure our Two-Part FI Number for Age 59+.

94 Months – October 2024

Securing Coast FI status is a major step in the Financial Independence (FI) movement. Obsessing about “retirement” and making “paid work optional” in your future? Accordingly, we are planning to work, but not necessarily for a paycheck. We are embracing our fears of looking deeper into the numbers while discovering– Wake Up, It’s Unbelievably Obvious we are Coast FI.

Because of our point in time in life determining our FI Number is not an exact number. Rather, our FI Number cab best be described as a range. However, 94 Months out we are launching our Targeted and Achievable FI Number. Admittedly, we have been working towards FI all our lives, focusing on a nebulous “retirement savings” plan. What’s different now? We are dialing in to elude the Retirement Police and join the “excessive” retiree group.

93 Months – November 2024

92 Months – December 2024