Launching Our Targeted and Achievable FI Number in 94 Months
A first step to financial freedom for an individual, couple, or family is to determine their FI Number or the amount of money they need to achieve Financial Independence (FI). Do not confuse household income or adjusted gross income with an FI Number. In the Financial Independence community, an FI Number is based off the…
Wake Up, It’s Unbelievably Obvious we are Coast FI
Securing Coast FI status is a major step in the Financial Independence (FI) movement. Obsessing about “retirement” and making “paid work optional” in your future? Accordingly, we are planning to work, but not necessarily for a paycheck. Coast FI as Damn Right Scary In truth, thinking about officially calculating to see if we were “Coast…
Celebrating Luxurious Family FI and Accumulating Wealth along the Way
We are proof that Family FI or Financial Independence (FI) is not a thing only for the “tech bro’s.” The pathway to FI may be slightly different for families but you and yours can still enjoy a luxurious life. We created Family FI here at fi59andahalf.com to describe a family that is consciously on the…
Financially Clueless Father’s Most Important Psychology of Money Lessons
How is it that the man least interested in finances taught me some The Psychology of Money lessons that are most important? Was he a subscriber to The Wall Street Journal? Did this man pour over personal finances books, stock quotes, and prospectuses? Was he one of the wealthiest men in America? The answer is that…
Revealing the Thrilling Plot to Energize the Retirement Police
The Retirement Police is a shortened version of the “Internet Retirement Police” as noted in the Financial Independence (FI) community. Mr. Money Mustache has been a leader in taking on the “Internet Retirement Police” who believe you are not really retired if you make “paid work optional” or “work for fun” as noted by Jacob…